our $qrggranularity = 1; # normalise the qrg to this number of khz (default: 25khz), so tough luck if you have a fumble fingers moment
our $timegranularity = 600; # ditto to the nearest 100 seconds
our $dupebycall = 10*60+5; # check that call is not spotted by the same callsign too often - this the dedupe interval - set to 0 to disable
-our $dupeqrgcall = 4*60+5; # check that call is not spotted on the same (normalised) qrg too often - this the dedupe interval - set to 0 to disable
-our $store_otext = 0; # also store the original rather than "normalised" text/info field - now obsolescent
+our $dupeqrgcall = 5*60+5; # check that call is not spotted on the same (normalised) qrg too often - this the dedupe interval - set to 0 to disable
+our $store_nocomment = 10*60+5; # Don't take into account the comments
if ($readback) {
DXDupe::add($ldupkey, $main::systime+$dupage) unless $just_find;
- # $otext = slightly edited original text
- if ($store_otext) {
- $otext = substr($otext, 0, $duplth) if length $otext > $duplth;
- $otext =~ s/\s+$//;
- if (length $otext && $otext ne $text) {
- $ldupkey = "X$call|$by|$qrg|$otext";
- $t = DXDupe::find($ldupkey);
- $storet = !$t && !$just_find ? ' STORE=>'.htime($main::systime+$dupage) :'';
- dbg("Spot::add_dup: $check (OTEXT) ldupkey $ldupkey $storet". ($t?(' (DUPE=>'.htime($t)) :'')) if isdbg('spotdup');
- if (isdbg('spottext')) {
- $dtext .= sprintf q{ DUBIOUS '%s'}, join '', @dubious if @dubious;
- $dtext .= ' DUPE (OTEXT)' if $t;
- dbg("text transforms: $dtext") if length $text;
- }
- # see above
- if ($t > 0) {
+ # Without comment
+ if ($store_nocomment) {
+ $ldupkey = "X$call|$by|$qrg";
+ $t = DXDupe::find($ldupkey);
+ $storet = !$t && !$just_find ? ' STORE=>'.htime($main::systime+$store_nocomment) :'';
+ dbg("Spot::add_dup: $check (NOTEXT) ldupkey $ldupkey $storet". ($t?(' (DUPE=>'.htime($t)) :'')) if isdbg('spotdup');
+ # see above
+ if ($t > 0) {
# DXDupe::add($ldupkey, $main::systime+$dupage) unless $just_find;
- return 1;
- }
- DXDupe::add($ldupkey, $main::systime+$dupage) unless $just_find;
+ return 1;
+ DXDupe::add($ldupkey, $main::systime+$dupage) unless $just_find;
if ($dupebycall) {
if ($dupeqrgcall) {
- $ldupkey = "X$qrg|$call";
+ $ldupkey = "X$call|$qrg";
$t = DXDupe::find($ldupkey);
$storet = !$t && !$just_find ? ' STORE=>'.htime($main::systime+$dupeqrgcall) :'';
dbg("Spot::add_dup: $check (QRG-CALL) $ldupkey $storet" . ($t?(' DUPE=>'.htime($t)) :'')) if isdbg('spotdup');