From: Dirk Koopman <>
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2015 21:26:19 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: fix main graph history slurping

fix main graph history slurping

Remove buttons from widgets.
Fully parameterise the amount of slurping.

diff --git a/ b/
index 1a677d5..fe91657 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ our $WS = {};					# websocket connections
 our $ld = {};
 our @last10minsr = ();
 our @last5daysh = ();
+our $windmins = 5;				# no of minutes of wind data for the windrose
+our $histdays = 5;				# no of days of (half)hour data to search for main graph
 our $loop_count;				# how many LOOPs we have done, used as start indicator
@@ -152,8 +154,11 @@ read_ld();
 my $tnow = time;
 my $dayno = int ($tnow/86400);
-@last5daysh = grab_history(SMGLog->new("day"), "h", $tnow-(86400*5), $_) for ($dayno-4, $dayno-3, $dayno-2, $dayno-1, $dayno);  
-@last10minsr = map {my ($t, $js) = split(/\s/, $_, 2); $js} grab_history(SMGLog->new("debug"), "r", $tnow-(60*3), $dayno);
+for (my $i = 0-$histdays; $i < 0; ++$i ) {
+	push @last5daysh, grab_history(SMGLog->new("day"), "h", $tnow-(86400*$histdays), $dayno+$i+1); 
+@last10minsr = map {my ($t, $js) = split(/\s/, $_, 2); $js} grab_history(SMGLog->new("debug"), "r", $tnow-(60*$windmins), $dayno);
+dbg sprintf("last5days = %d last10mins = %d", scalar @last5daysh, scalar @last10minsr);
 our $dlog = SMGLog->new("day");
 dbg "before next tick";
diff --git a/templates/index.html.ep b/templates/index.html.ep
index d54833d..cd8155a 100644
--- a/templates/index.html.ep
+++ b/templates/index.html.ep
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
 		var ws;
 		var daychart;
-		var daychart_days = 5;
+		var daychart_days = <%= $main::histdays %>;
 		var windrose;
-		var windrose_mins = 10;
+		var windrose_mins = <%= $main::windmins %>;
 		var windspeed;
 		var winddir;
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 									js.r.Dir = lastdir;
 								lastt = js.t;
-								fill_windrose(js, windrose_mins * (60 / 2.5));
+								fill_windrose(js, windrose_mins * 24);
 //							}
@@ -177,6 +177,13 @@
 					floating: true,
 					backgroundColor: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || '#FFFFFF'
+				exporting: {
+					buttons: {
+						contextButton: {
+							enabled: false
+						}
+					}
+				}, 
 				series: [{
 					name: 'Rainfall',
 					type: 'column',
@@ -185,7 +192,7 @@
 					    <% $s = "";
 						   for (@main::last5daysh) { 
 						      my $r = $main::json->decode($_);
-						      $s .=  "[" . $r->{t}*1000 . "," . $r->{h}->{Rain_1h} . "]," if $r;
+						      $s .=  "[" . $r->{t}*1000 . "," . $r->{h}->{Rain_1h} . "]," if $r && exists $r->{t} && exists $r->{h}->{Rain_1h};
 						   chop $s if length $s; 
 						%><%= $s %>
@@ -202,7 +209,7 @@
 						<% $s = "";
 						   for (@main::last5daysh) { 
 						      my $r = $main::json->decode($_);
-						      $s .=  "[" . $r->{t}*1000 . "," . $r->{h}->{Pressure} . "]," if $r;
+						      $s .=  "[" . $r->{t}*1000 . "," . $r->{h}->{Pressure} . "]," if $r && exists $r->{t} && exists $r->{h}->{Pressure};
 						   chop $s if length $s; 
 						%><%= $s %>
@@ -222,7 +229,7 @@
 						<% $s = "";
 						   for (@main::last5daysh) { 
 						      my $r = $main::json->decode($_);
-						      $s .=  "[" . $r->{t}*1000 . "," . $r->{h}->{Temp_Out} . "]," if $r;
+						      $s .=  "[" . $r->{t}*1000 . "," . $r->{h}->{Temp_Out} . "]," if $r && exists $r->{t} && exists $r->{h}->{Temp_Out};
 						   chop $s if length $s; 
 						%><%= $s %>
@@ -346,9 +353,16 @@
 						groupPadding: 0
+				exporting: {
+					buttons: {
+						contextButton: {
+							enabled: false
+						}
+					}
+				}, 
 				series: [ {
-					type: 'scatter',
+					type: 'column',
 					name: 'Wind mph',
 					data: [
 						<% my ($d, $w);
@@ -359,7 +373,7 @@
 							  if ($r) {
 								  $r->{r}->{Dir} ||= $d;
 								  $r->{r}->{Wind} ||= $w;
-								  $s .=  "[" . $r->{r}->{Dir} . "," . main::nearest(0.1, $r->{r}->{Wind}*2.23694) . "]," if $r;
+								  $s .=  "[" . $r->{r}->{Dir} . "," . main::nearest(0.1, $r->{r}->{Wind}*2.23694) . "],";
 								  $d = $r->{r}->{Dir};
 								  $w = $r->{r}->{Wind};
@@ -456,6 +470,13 @@
 						color: '#DF5353' // red
+				exporting: {
+					buttons: {
+						contextButton: {
+							enabled: false
+						}
+					}
+				}, 
 				series: [{
 					name: 'Speed',
@@ -539,6 +560,13 @@
 						text:  '° deg'
+				exporting: {
+					buttons: {
+						contextButton: {
+							enabled: false
+						}
+					}
+				}, 
 				series: [{
 					name: 'Direction',