From: minima <minima>
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 15:59:16 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: update copyright
X-Git-Tag: R_1_50~119

update copyright
extend and modernise windows instructions

diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index 6368ff21..c42f7676 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+1. updated the copyright dates
+2. modernised and extended the Windows instructions a bit.
 1. Make a couple of changes to the Installation Manual and add a FAQ on msg
 deletion. (g0vgs)
diff --git a/cmd/show/ b/cmd/show/
index fe0ae4d9..36d4464b 100644
--- a/cmd/show/
+++ b/cmd/show/
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
 my @out;
 push @out, "DX Spider Cluster version $main::version (build $main::build) on \u$^O";
-push @out, "Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Dirk Koopman G1TLH";
+push @out, "Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Dirk Koopman G1TLH";
 return (1, @out);
diff --git a/html/installation-4.html b/html/installation-4.html
index d17f1305..84464dd4 100644
--- a/html/installation-4.html
+++ b/html/installation-4.html
@@ -171,18 +171,31 @@ do it that way because it suits me.
 <P>Get the current version of the DX Spider distribution. This needs
 to be v1.47 or later. You've got two ways (currently) of getting
 this; either get a CVS update from sourceforge (if you don't know
-what this is, then it isn't for you) or get my package from:-
+what this is, then it isn't for you) or get the latest "official"
+release from:-
-<A HREF=""></A><P>or if you want the lastest CVS version (which is produced every night)
+<A HREF=""></A><P>or if you want the lastest snapshot of CVS version (which is produced 
+every night):-
-<A HREF=""></A><P>If you went down the CVS route, then everything will be nicely
-set out on your local disk. If you got the ZIP file, unpack it to
+<A HREF=""></A><P>This is generally the best one to go for as it is completely up to
+date. However, there is always the very slight chance that it might
+unstable. Generally, there will be a note on the website if this is 
+the case. 
+<P>The only difference between "CVSlatest.tgz" and the latest
+"official" release version is that it is more up to date. Don't confuse 
+this TGZ file with "Downloading from Sourceforge with CVS" - they are two
+quite different things.  
+<P>If you went down the CVS route (ie installed wincvs and downloaded from
+sourceforge), then everything will be nicely
+set out on your local disk. If you got the TGZ file, unpack it to
 somewhere convenient. The following examples assume that you put
 it on drive "C:\", for convenience.
-<P><B>NOTE:</B> This distribution method will go away as soon as the first
-v1.47 tarball is released. You can use WinZip to unpack that, and
-my life will be made easier by not needing to keep this .ZIP file
+<P>You will need 
+<A HREF="">winzip</A> to
+manipulate the TGZ files (they are bit like ZIP files) if you are not using CVS.
 <A HREF="installation-5.html">Next</A>
diff --git a/html/installation-5.html b/html/installation-5.html
index f9354ad1..0fd38b4b 100644
--- a/html/installation-5.html
+++ b/html/installation-5.html
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
 <H2><A NAME="s5">5. Installing the software</A></H2>
-<P>Ensure that your CVS session or your unZIPped file have left you
-with a directory "C:\spider\local"; if not, go to "C:\spider\"
-and create one. If "C:\spider" is missing, go back and figure out
-why, because it shouldn't be.
+<P>Ensure that your CVS session or your WINunZIPped file have left you with
+a directory "C:\spider\local" and C:\spider\local_cmd"; if not, go to
+"C:\spider\" and create them. If "C:\spider" is missing, go back and
+figure out why, because it shouldn't be.
 <P>Now create your own local copy of the file by:-
@@ -49,13 +49,60 @@ minimum you must adjust the following items in
 <LI> $mycall  - Should hold the callsign of your DX Cluster</LI>
 <LI> $myname  - The SysOp's first name</LI>
 <LI> $myalias - the SysOp's callsign. Cannot be the same as $mycall!</LI>
+<LI> $myqth - The station's geographical location (QTH).</LI>
+<LI> $mylatitude - The station latitude in degrees and decimal fractions</LI>
+<LI> $mylongitude - The station longitude in degrees and decimal fractions</LI>
+<LI> $mylocator - The Maidenhead (or QRA) locator of the station </LI>
-<P>You really also ought to update the $mylatitude, $mylongitude,
-$myqth and $myemail variables. And unless you are absolutely
-certain you know what you're doing, you should change nothing
-else in this file.
+<P>You really also ought to update the $myqth and $myemail variables. And
+unless you are absolutely certain you know what you're doing, you
+should change nothing else in this file. Note that if you use an "@" or 
+a "$" character in one of the above strings (typically in $myemail) you must 
+write them as "\@" or "\$". 
-<H2><A NAME="ss5.1">5.1 The AGW packet engine</A>
+<H2><A NAME="ss5.1">5.1 Incoming telnets</A>
+<P>If you want to enable inbound "TELNET" connections (or you are running
+Windows NT, 2000 or XP), you've got a little more work to do. From a
+handy "DOS box" that's not doing anything else, do the following:-
+copy \spider\perl\ \spider\local
+cd \spider\local
+<P>The following lines need attention:-
+["", 7300],
+<P>On my machine, I've simply uncommented the "" entry by
+removing the '#' from the front of the line. 
+<P><B>You MUST carry out this step if you are
+running on a Windows NT, 2000 or XP based system</B>
+<P>If you don't have a static hostname for your machine, and you
+intend to allow folk to connect to your machine across the
+internet, then I'd suggest you pay a visit to and
+create one for yourself. While it's free, it will take a modest
+an amount of effort on your part to read, understand and
+implement what needs to be done to set this up.
+<P>If your machine is connected to the internet <B>and</B> you don't
+want to allow your machine to be visible to the outside world you
+should change the "" to "" [which is
+"localhost"]. This will then only allow connections from inside your
+machine. As was said earlier: if you aren't running Win9x (or you want
+to use DXTelnet or somesuch), then you need to have the machine
+listening at least to "" ("" means <B>all</B> IP
+<H2><A NAME="ss5.2">5.2 The AGW packet engine</A>
 <P>On the assumption that you'll be using the SV2AGW Packet Engine
@@ -84,7 +131,7 @@ consider adjusting the following items in
 <LI>$passwd - password that matches $login</LI>
-<H2><A NAME="ss5.2">5.2 Setting up the initial user files</A>
+<H2><A NAME="ss5.3">5.3 Setting up the initial user files</A>
 <P>Next you need to create the initial user files, etc. A tool is
@@ -138,8 +185,9 @@ queue msg (0)
 <P>Now, if that's what you've got, you are very nearly home and dry
 (in as far as these particular experiments are concerned, anyhow)
-<P>To access your new cluster (from the local machine) find yourself another
-"DOS box" and do the following:-
+<P>If you are running Windows 9x you can access your new cluster (from
+the local machine) by finding yourself another "DOS box" and doing the
@@ -147,7 +195,25 @@ cd \spider\perl
-<P>If you are rewarded with a display which looks something like:-
+<P>If you are running Windows NT, 2000 or XP then does not
+work. We don't know why other than this seems to be some kind of
+incomaptibility in perl. You can achieve the same thing by telnetting
+to the port you defined in (7300 as default), thus:-
+telnet localhost 7300
+<P>On getting the <B>login:</B> prompt, enter your sysop callsign (the one you
+put in as $myalias).
+<P>I would recommend <B>strongly</B> that you obtain a better telnet
+client than that which comes with windows (I use 
+<A HREF="">PuTTY</A>). 
+<P>Anyway, if you are rewarded with a display which looks something like:-
@@ -161,46 +227,25 @@ case you were wondering, "Iain", "M0ADI" and "GB7SJP" all came
 from the version of that was on the machine when I
 started the
-<H2><A NAME="ss5.3">5.3 Incoming telnets</A>
-<P>If you want to enable inbound "TELNET" connections, you've got a
-little more work to do. From a handy "DOS box" that's not doing
-anything else, do the following:-
-copy \spider\perl\ \spider\local
-cd \spider\local
-<P>The following lines need attention:-
-["", 7300],
-<P>On my machine, I've simply uncommented the "" entry by
-removing the '#' from the front of the line. 
-<P>If you don't have a static hostname for your machine, and you
-intend to allow folk to connect to your machine across the
-internet, then I'd suggest you pay a visit to and
-create one for yourself. While it's free, it will take a modest
-an amount of effort on your part to read, understand and
-implement what needs to be done to set this up.
+<P>The interface is very basic. It is a simple command line. There are
+better looking interfaces. Most of the "standard" logging and DX
+Cluster access programs that are capable of connecting via a TCP or
+telnet connection will work as a "Sysop Console" client. You connect
+to "localhost" on the port that you defined in (usually
+7300). I recommend packages like 
+<A HREF="">DXTelnet</A>.
 <H2><A NAME="ss5.4">5.4 Connecting to other clusters</A>
-<P>If you want to connect this to another cluster, then you'll want
-to negotiate a link with someone. For experimental purposes, I'm
-happy to allow folk to connect to GB7DXA (, on the
-understanding that the system may or may not be there and may or
-may not be connected to anything particularly useful at any given
-moment. Contact me by Email if you want me to set up a connection
-for you.
+<P>If you want to connect this to another cluster, then you'll want to
+negotiate a link with someone. For experimental purposes, I'm happy to
+allow folk to connect to GB7DXA (, on the understanding
+that the system may or may not be there and may or may not be
+connected to anything particularly useful at any given moment. Contact
+me by 
+<A HREF="">Email</A> if you
+want me to set up a connection for you.
 <A HREF="installation-6.html">Next</A>
diff --git a/html/installation.html b/html/installation.html
index 13f6fe77..94747789 100644
--- a/html/installation.html
+++ b/html/installation.html
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ Ian Maude, G0VGS, (</H2>December 2001 revision 1.1
 <H2><A NAME="toc5">5.</A> <A HREF="installation-5.html">Installing the software</A></H2>
-<LI><A HREF="installation-5.html#ss5.1">5.1 The AGW packet engine</A>
-<LI><A HREF="installation-5.html#ss5.2">5.2 Setting up the initial user files</A>
-<LI><A HREF="installation-5.html#ss5.3">5.3 Incoming telnets</A>
+<LI><A HREF="installation-5.html#ss5.1">5.1 Incoming telnets</A>
+<LI><A HREF="installation-5.html#ss5.2">5.2 The AGW packet engine</A>
+<LI><A HREF="installation-5.html#ss5.3">5.3 Setting up the initial user files</A>
 <LI><A HREF="installation-5.html#ss5.4">5.4 Connecting to other clusters</A>
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
index b7ac1177..203f6956 100755
--- a/perl/
+++ b/perl/
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ $build = "$build.$branch" if $branch;
 Log('cluster', "DXSpider V$version, build $build started");
 # banner
-dbg("Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Dirk Koopman G1TLH");
+dbg("Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Dirk Koopman G1TLH");
 dbg("DXSpider Version $version, build $build started");
 # load Prefixes
diff --git a/sgml/installation.sgml b/sgml/installation.sgml
index 4fbf7fbd..d6d17f52 100644
--- a/sgml/installation.sgml
+++ b/sgml/installation.sgml
@@ -1055,31 +1055,43 @@ do it that way because it suits me.
 Get the current version of the DX Spider distribution. This needs
 to be v1.47 or later. You've got two ways (currently) of getting
 this; either get a CVS update from sourceforge (if you don't know
-what this is, then it isn't for you) or get my package from:-
+what this is, then it isn't for you) or get the latest "official"
+release from:-
-<htmlurl url="" name="">
+<htmlurl url="" name="">
-or if you want the lastest CVS version (which is produced every night)
+or if you want the lastest snapshot of CVS version (which is produced 
+every night):-
 <htmlurl url="" name="">
-If you went down the CVS route, then everything will be nicely
-set out on your local disk. If you got the ZIP file, unpack it to
+This is generally the best one to go for as it is completely up to
+date. However, there is always the very slight chance that it might
+unstable. Generally, there will be a note on the website if this is 
+the case. 
+<p>The only difference between "CVSlatest.tgz" and the latest
+"official" release version is that it is more up to date. Don't confuse 
+this TGZ file with "Downloading from Sourceforge with CVS" - they are two
+quite different things.  
+If you went down the CVS route (ie installed wincvs and downloaded from
+sourceforge), then everything will be nicely
+set out on your local disk. If you got the TGZ file, unpack it to
 somewhere convenient. The following examples assume that you put
 it on drive "C:\", for convenience.
-<bf>NOTE:</bf> This distribution method will go away as soon as the first
-v1.47 tarball is released. You can use WinZip to unpack that, and
-my life will be made easier by not needing to keep this .ZIP file
+<p>You will need <htmlurl url="" name="winzip"> to
+manipulate the TGZ files (they are bit like ZIP files) if you are not using CVS.
 <sect>Installing the software
-Ensure that your CVS session or your unZIPped file have left you
-with a directory "C:\spider\local"; if not, go to "C:\spider\"
-and create one. If "C:\spider" is missing, go back and figure out
-why, because it shouldn't be.
+Ensure that your CVS session or your WINunZIPped file have left you with
+a directory "C:\spider\local" and C:\spider\local_cmd"; if not, go to
+"C:\spider\" and create them. If "C:\spider" is missing, go back and
+figure out why, because it shouldn't be.
 Now create your own local copy of the file by:-
@@ -1108,12 +1120,59 @@ minimum you must adjust the following items in
 <item> $mycall  - Should hold the callsign of your DX Cluster
 <item> $myname  - The SysOp's first name
 <item> $myalias - the SysOp's callsign. Cannot be the same as $mycall!
+<item> $myqth - The station's geographical location (QTH).
+<item> $mylatitude - The station latitude in degrees and decimal fractions
+<item> $mylongitude - The station longitude in degrees and decimal fractions
+<item> $mylocator - The Maidenhead (or QRA) locator of the station 
-You really also ought to update the $mylatitude, $mylongitude,
-$myqth and $myemail variables. And unless you are absolutely
-certain you know what you're doing, you should change nothing
-else in this file.
+You really also ought to update the $myqth and $myemail variables. And
+unless you are absolutely certain you know what you're doing, you
+should change nothing else in this file. Note that if you use an "@" or 
+a "$" character in one of the above strings (typically in $myemail) you must 
+write them as "\@" or "\$". 
+<sect1>Incoming telnets
+If you want to enable inbound "TELNET" connections (or you are running
+Windows NT, 2000 or XP), you've got a little more work to do. From a
+handy "DOS box" that's not doing anything else, do the following:-
+copy \spider\perl\ \spider\local
+cd \spider\local
+The following lines need attention:-
+["", 7300],
+On my machine, I've simply uncommented the "" entry by
+removing the '#' from the front of the line. 
+<bf>You MUST carry out this step if you are
+running on a Windows NT, 2000 or XP based system</bf>
+If you don't have a static hostname for your machine, and you
+intend to allow folk to connect to your machine across the
+internet, then I'd suggest you pay a visit to and
+create one for yourself. While it's free, it will take a modest
+an amount of effort on your part to read, understand and
+implement what needs to be done to set this up.
+<p>If your machine is connected to the internet <bf>and</bf> you don't
+want to allow your machine to be visible to the outside world you
+should change the "" to "" [which is
+"localhost"]. This will then only allow connections from inside your
+machine. As was said earlier: if you aren't running Win9x (or you want
+to use DXTelnet or somesuch), then you need to have the machine
+listening at least to "" ("" means <bf>all</bf> IP
 <sect1>The AGW packet engine
@@ -1195,15 +1254,34 @@ queue msg (0)
 Now, if that's what you've got, you are very nearly home and dry
 (in as far as these particular experiments are concerned, anyhow)
-To access your new cluster (from the local machine) find yourself another
-"DOS box" and do the following:-
+If you are running Windows 9x you can access your new cluster (from
+the local machine) by finding yourself another "DOS box" and doing the
 cd \spider\perl
-If you are rewarded with a display which looks something like:-
+If you are running Windows NT, 2000 or XP then does not
+work. We don't know why other than this seems to be some kind of
+incomaptibility in perl. You can achieve the same thing by telnetting
+to the port you defined in (7300 as default), thus:-
+telnet localhost 7300
+On getting the <bf>login:</bf> prompt, enter your sysop callsign (the one you
+put in as $myalias).
+<p>I would recommend <bf>strongly</bf> that you obtain a better telnet
+client than that which comes with windows (I use <htmlurl
+<p>Anyway, if you are rewarded with a display which looks something like:-
 Hello Iain, this is GB7SJP in Amersham, Bucks running DXSpider V1.47
@@ -1216,45 +1294,24 @@ case you were wondering, "Iain", "M0ADI" and "GB7SJP" all came
 from the version of that was on the machine when I
 started the
-<sect1>Incoming telnets
-If you want to enable inbound "TELNET" connections, you've got a
-little more work to do. From a handy "DOS box" that's not doing
-anything else, do the following:-
-copy \spider\perl\ \spider\local
-cd \spider\local
-The following lines need attention:-
-["", 7300],
-On my machine, I've simply uncommented the "" entry by
-removing the '#' from the front of the line. 
-If you don't have a static hostname for your machine, and you
-intend to allow folk to connect to your machine across the
-internet, then I'd suggest you pay a visit to and
-create one for yourself. While it's free, it will take a modest
-an amount of effort on your part to read, understand and
-implement what needs to be done to set this up.
+<p>The interface is very basic. It is a simple command line. There are
+better looking interfaces. Most of the "standard" logging and DX
+Cluster access programs that are capable of connecting via a TCP or
+telnet connection will work as a "Sysop Console" client. You connect
+to "localhost" on the port that you defined in (usually
+7300). I recommend packages like <htmlurl
+url="" name="DXTelnet">.
 <sect1>Connecting to other clusters
-If you want to connect this to another cluster, then you'll want
-to negotiate a link with someone. For experimental purposes, I'm
-happy to allow folk to connect to GB7DXA (, on the
-understanding that the system may or may not be there and may or
-may not be connected to anything particularly useful at any given
-moment. Contact me by Email if you want me to set up a connection
-for you.
+If you want to connect this to another cluster, then you'll want to
+negotiate a link with someone. For experimental purposes, I'm happy to
+allow folk to connect to GB7DXA (, on the understanding
+that the system may or may not be there and may or may not be
+connected to anything particularly useful at any given moment. Contact
+me by <htmlurl url="" name="Email"> if you
+want me to set up a connection for you.
 <sect>General Information
diff --git a/txt/installation.txt b/txt/installation.txt
index a555718b..ef441bbe 100644
--- a/txt/installation.txt
+++ b/txt/installation.txt
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
   5. Installing the software
-     5.1 The AGW packet engine
-     5.2 Setting up the initial user files
-     5.3 Incoming telnets
+     5.1 Incoming telnets
+     5.2 The AGW packet engine
+     5.3 Setting up the initial user files
      5.4 Connecting to other clusters
   6. General Information
@@ -1278,30 +1278,45 @@
   Get the current version of the DX Spider distribution. This needs to
   be v1.47 or later. You've got two ways (currently) of getting this;
   either get a CVS update from sourceforge (if you don't know what this
-  is, then it isn't for you) or get my package from:-
+  is, then it isn't for you) or get the latest "official" release from:-
-  or if you want the lastest CVS version (which is produced every night)
+  or if you want the lastest snapshot of CVS version (which is produced
+  every night):-
-  If you went down the CVS route, then everything will be nicely set out
-  on your local disk. If you got the ZIP file, unpack it to somewhere
+  This is generally the best one to go for as it is completely up to
+  date. However, there is always the very slight chance that it might
+  unstable. Generally, there will be a note on the website if this is
+  the case.
+  The only difference between "CVSlatest.tgz" and the latest "official"
+  release version is that it is more up to date. Don't confuse this TGZ
+  file with "Downloading from Sourceforge with CVS" - they are two quite
+  different things.
+  If you went down the CVS route (ie installed wincvs and downloaded
+  from sourceforge), then everything will be nicely set out on your
+  local disk. If you got the TGZ file, unpack it to somewhere
   convenient. The following examples assume that you put it on drive
   "C:\", for convenience.
-  NOTE: This distribution method will go away as soon as the first v1.47
-  tarball is released. You can use WinZip to unpack that, and my life
-  will be made easier by not needing to keep this .ZIP file updated.
+  You will need winzip to manipulate the TGZ files (they are bit like
+  ZIP files) if you are not using CVS.
   5.  Installing the software
-  Ensure that your CVS session or your unZIPped file have left you with
-  a directory "C:\spider\local"; if not, go to "C:\spider\" and create
-  one. If "C:\spider" is missing, go back and figure out why, because it
-  shouldn't be.
+  Ensure that your CVS session or your WINunZIPped file have left you
+  with a directory "C:\spider\local" and C:\spider\local_cmd"; if not,
+  go to "C:\spider\" and create them. If "C:\spider" is missing, go back
+  and figure out why, because it shouldn't be.
   Now create your own local copy of the file by:-
@@ -1318,7 +1333,7 @@
-  cd \spider\local
+       cd \spider\local
@@ -1342,12 +1357,73 @@
   o  $myalias - the SysOp's callsign. Cannot be the same as $mycall!
-  You really also ought to update the $mylatitude, $mylongitude, $myqth
-  and $myemail variables. And unless you are absolutely certain you know
-  what you're doing, you should change nothing else in this file.
+  o  $myqth - The station's geographical location (QTH).
+  o  $mylatitude - The station latitude in degrees and decimal fractions
+  o  $mylongitude - The station longitude in degrees and decimal
+     fractions
+  o  $mylocator - The Maidenhead (or QRA) locator of the station
+  You really also ought to update the $myqth and $myemail variables. And
+  unless you are absolutely certain you know what you're doing, you
+  should change nothing else in this file. Note that if you use an "@"
+  or a "$" character in one of the above strings (typically in $myemail)
+  you must write them as "\@" or "\$".
+  5.1.  Incoming telnets
+  If you want to enable inbound "TELNET" connections (or you are running
+  Windows NT, 2000 or XP), you've got a little more work to do. From a
+  handy "DOS box" that's not doing anything else, do the following:-
+  copy \spider\perl\ \spider\local
+  cd \spider\local
+  notepad
+  The following lines need attention:-
+       ["", 7300],
-  5.1.  The AGW packet engine
+  On my machine, I've simply uncommented the "" entry by removing
+  the '#' from the front of the line.
+  You MUST carry out this step if you are running on a Windows NT, 2000
+  or XP based system
+  If you don't have a static hostname for your machine, and you intend
+  to allow folk to connect to your machine across the internet, then I'd
+  suggest you pay a visit to and create one for yourself.
+  While it's free, it will take a modest an amount of effort on your
+  part to read, understand and implement what needs to be done to set
+  this up.
+  If your machine is connected to the internet and you don't want to
+  allow your machine to be visible to the outside world you should
+  change the "" to "" [which is "localhost"]. This will
+  then only allow connections from inside your machine. As was said
+  earlier: if you aren't running Win9x (or you want to use DXTelnet or
+  somesuch), then you need to have the machine listening at least to
+  "" ("" means all IP addresses).
+  5.2.  The AGW packet engine
   On the assumption that you'll be using the SV2AGW Packet Engine to
   interface your radios to the cluster, you should now create your own
@@ -1382,9 +1458,7 @@
   o  $passwd - password that matches $login
-  5.2.  Setting up the initial user files
+  5.3.  Setting up the initial user files
   Next you need to create the initial user files, etc. A tool is
   supplied which will do this for you. To run the tool:-
@@ -1441,70 +1515,66 @@
   Now, if that's what you've got, you are very nearly home and dry (in
   as far as these particular experiments are concerned, anyhow)
-  To access your new cluster (from the local machine) find yourself
-  another "DOS box" and do the following:-
-  cd \spider\perl
-  perl
+  If you are running Windows 9x you can access your new cluster (from
+  the local machine) by finding yourself another "DOS box" and doing the
+  following:-
-  If you are rewarded with a display which looks something like:-
+       cd \spider\perl
+       perl
-       Hello Iain, this is GB7SJP in Amersham, Bucks running DXSpider V1.47
-       Cluster: 1 nodes, 1 local / 1 total users Max users 2 Uptime 0 00:00
-       M0ADI de GB7SJP 4-Mar-2001 1511Z >
+  If you are running Windows NT, 2000 or XP then does not
+  work. We don't know why other than this seems to be some kind of
+  incomaptibility in perl. You can achieve the same thing by telnetting
+  to the port you defined in (7300 as default), thus:-
-  You've arrived. Try some commands, and see how they feel. (In case you
-  were wondering, "Iain", "M0ADI" and "GB7SJP" all came from the version
-  of that was on the machine when I started the
+       Menu->Start->Run
+       telnet localhost 7300
-  5.3.  Incoming telnets
-  If you want to enable inbound "TELNET" connections, you've got a
-  little more work to do. From a handy "DOS box" that's not doing
-  anything else, do the following:-
+  On getting the login: prompt, enter your sysop callsign (the one you
+  put in as $myalias).
-       copy \spider\perl\ \spider\local
-       cd \spider\local
-       notepad
+  I would recommend strongly that you obtain a better telnet client than
+  that which comes with windows (I use PuTTY).
+  Anyway, if you are rewarded with a display which looks something
+  like:-
-  The following lines need attention:-
+       Hello Iain, this is GB7SJP in Amersham, Bucks running DXSpider V1.47
+       Cluster: 1 nodes, 1 local / 1 total users Max users 2 Uptime 0 00:00
+       M0ADI de GB7SJP 4-Mar-2001 1511Z >
-       ["", 7300],
+  You've arrived. Try some commands, and see how they feel. (In case you
+  were wondering, "Iain", "M0ADI" and "GB7SJP" all came from the version
+  of that was on the machine when I started the
-  On my machine, I've simply uncommented the "" entry by removing
-  the '#' from the front of the line.
-  If you don't have a static hostname for your machine, and you intend
-  to allow folk to connect to your machine across the internet, then I'd
-  suggest you pay a visit to and create one for yourself.
-  While it's free, it will take a modest an amount of effort on your
-  part to read, understand and implement what needs to be done to set
-  this up.
+  The interface is very basic. It is a simple command line. There are
+  better looking interfaces. Most of the "standard" logging and DX
+  Cluster access programs that are capable of connecting via a TCP or
+  telnet connection will work as a "Sysop Console" client. You connect
+  to "localhost" on the port that you defined in (usually
+  7300). I recommend packages like DXTelnet.
   5.4.  Connecting to other clusters
@@ -1516,6 +1586,7 @@
   connected to anything particularly useful at any given moment. Contact
   me by Email if you want me to set up a connection for you.
   6.  General Information
   The following relates to all versions of DXSpider and is not platform
@@ -1571,11 +1642,6 @@