From: Dirk Koopman <>
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2021 23:08:22 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: experimental branch to improve spot query

experimental branch to improve spot query

This includes some SQLite changes as well as spot searching

diff --git a/cmd/show/ b/cmd/show/
index 5387b7f4..7e4d3a35 100644
--- a/cmd/show/
+++ b/cmd/show/
@@ -143,11 +143,7 @@ sub handle
 		} else {
 			$pre .= '*' unless $pre =~ /[\*\?\[]$/o;
 			$pre = shellregex($pre);
-			if ($usesql) {
-				$pre =~ s/\.\*/%/g;
-			} else {
-				$pre =~ s/\.\*\$$//;
-			}
+			$pre =~ s/\.\*\$$//;
 			$pre .= '$' if $exact;
 			$pre =~ s/\^//;
 			push @flist, 'call', $pre;
@@ -167,7 +163,7 @@ sub handle
 	# now do the search
 	if ($self->{_nospawn}) {
-		my @res = Spot::search($expr, $fromday, $today, $from, $to, $user, $dofilter ? $self : undef);
+		my @res = Spot::search($expr, $fromday, $today, $from, $to, $user, $dofilter, $self);
 		my $ref;
 		my @dx;
 		foreach $ref (@res) {
@@ -186,7 +182,7 @@ sub handle
 	else {
 		push @out, $self->spawn_cmd("sh/dx $line", \&Spot::search, 
-									args => [$expr, $fromday, $today, $from, $to, $filter, $dofilter ? $self : undef],
+									args => [$expr, $fromday, $today, $from, $to, $filter, $dofilter, $self],
 									cb => sub {
 										my ($dxchan, @res) = @_; 
 										my $ref;
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
index ce3c2d1f..bcf1bf07 100644
--- a/perl/
+++ b/perl/
@@ -1339,7 +1339,12 @@ sub spawn_cmd
 					 $s .= ", args: " . join(', ', map { defined $_ ? qq{'$_'} : q{'undef'} } @$args) if $args && @$args;
-				 eval { @out = $cmdref->(@$args); };
+				 eval {
+					 ++$self->{_in_sub_process};
+					 dbg "\$self->{_in_sub_process} = $self->{_in_sub_process}";
+					 @out = $cmdref->(@$args);
+					 --$self->{_in_sub_process} if $self->{_in_sub_process} > 0;
+				 };
 				 if ($@) {
 					 push @out, DXDebug::shortmess($@);
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
index 842e3005..242ab0a8 100644
--- a/perl/
+++ b/perl/
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ sub connect
 	my $dbh;
 	eval {
 		no strict 'refs';
-		$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $passwd); 
+		$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $passwd);
+		dbg "DXSql $dsn " . $dbh? "connected" : "NOT connected" if isdbg('dxsql');
 	unless ($dbh) {
 		$active = 0;
@@ -149,33 +150,37 @@ sub spot_insert
 sub spot_search
 	my $self = shift;
-	my $expr = shift;
-	my $dayfrom = shift;
-	my $dayto = shift;
-	my $n = shift;
-	my $dxchan = shift;
+	my ($expr, $dayfrom, $dayto, $from, $to, $hint, $dofilter, $dxchan) = @_;
+	$dayfrom = 0 if !$dayfrom;
+	$dayto = $Spot::maxdays unless $dayto;
+	$dayto = $dayfrom + $Spot::maxdays if $dayto < $dayfrom;
+	my $today = Julian::Day->new(time());
+	my $fromdate = $today->sub($dayfrom);
+	my $todate = $fromdate->sub($dayto);
+	$from = 0 unless $from;
+	$to = $Spot::defaultspots unless $to;
-	dbg("expr: $expr") if isdbg('search');
-	if ($expr =~ /\$f/) {
+	dbg("DXSql expr: $expr") if isdbg('search');
+	if ($expr =~ /\$r->/) {
 		$expr =~ s/(?:==|eq)/ = /g;
-		$expr =~ s/\$f10/spotteritu/g;
-		$expr =~ s/\$f11/spottercq/g;
-		$expr =~ s/\$f12/spotstate/g;
-		$expr =~ s/\$f13/spotterstate/g;
-		$expr =~ s/\$f14/ipaddr/g;
-		$expr =~ s/\$f0/freq/g;
-		$expr =~ s/\$f1/spotcall/g;
-		$expr =~ s/\$f2/time/g;
-		$expr =~ s/\$f3/comment/g;
-		$expr =~ s/\$f4/spotter/g;
-		$expr =~ s/\$f5/spotdxcc/g;
-		$expr =~ s/\$f6/spotterdxcc/g;
-		$expr =~ s/\$f7/origin/g;
-		$expr =~ s/\$f8/spotitu/g;
-		$expr =~ s/\$f9/spotcq/g;
+		$expr =~ s/\$r->\[10\]/spotteritu/g;
+		$expr =~ s/\$r->\[11\]/spottercq/g;
+		$expr =~ s/\$r->\[12\]/spotstate/g;
+		$expr =~ s/\$r->\[13\]/spotterstate/g;
+		$expr =~ s/\$r->\[14\]/ipaddr/g;
+		$expr =~ s/\$r->\[0\]/freq/g;
+		$expr =~ s/\$r->\[1\]/spotcall/g;
+		$expr =~ s/\$r->\[2\]/time/g;
+		$expr =~ s/\$r->\[3\]/comment/g;
+		$expr =~ s/\$r->\[4\]/spotter/g;
+		$expr =~ s/\$r->\[5\]/spotdxcc/g;
+		$expr =~ s/\$r->\[6\]/spotterdxcc/g;
+		$expr =~ s/\$r->\[7\]/origin/g;
+		$expr =~ s/\$r->\[8\]/spotitu/g;
+		$expr =~ s/\$r->\[9\]/spotcq/g;
 		$expr =~ s/\|\|/ or /g;
 		$expr =~ s/\&\&/ and /g;
-		$expr =~ s/=~\s+m\{\^([%\w]+)[^\}]*\}/ like '$1'/g;
+		$expr =~ s/=~\s*m\{\^([%\w]+)[^\}]*\}/ like '$1\%'/g;
 	} else {
 		$expr = '';
@@ -185,8 +190,8 @@ sub spot_search
 	$expr .= $expr ? " and $trange" : $trange;
     my $s = qq{select freq,spotcall,time,comment,spotter,spotdxcc,spotterdxcc,
 origin,spotitu,spotcq,spotteritu,spottercq,spotstate,spotterstate,ipaddr from spot
-where $expr order by time desc limit $n};
-    dbg("sql expr: $s") if isdbg('search');
+where $expr limit $to};
+    dbg("DXSql expr: $s") if isdbg('search');
 	my $ref = $self->{dbh}->selectall_arrayref($s);
 	return @$ref;
diff --git a/perl/DXSql/ b/perl/DXSql/
index 2330837f..36bcc46d 100644
--- a/perl/DXSql/
+++ b/perl/DXSql/
@@ -80,9 +80,13 @@ sub spot_add_indexes
 	my $self = shift;
 	dbg('adding spot index ix1');
-	$self->do('create index spot_ix1 on spot(time desc)');
+	$self->do('create index spot_ix1 on spot(time asc)');
 	dbg('adding spot index ix2');
 	$self->do('create index spot_ix2 on spot(spotcall asc)');
+	dbg('adding spot index ix3');
+	$self->do('create index spot_ix3 on spot(freq asc)');
+	dbg('adding spot index ix4');
+	$self->do('create index spot_ix4 on spot(spotter asc)');
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
index 2205cc5b..bed8bd20 100644
--- a/perl/
+++ b/perl/
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ use Prefix;
 use DXDupe;
 use Data::Dumper;
 use QSL;
+use DXSql;
+use Julian;
 use strict;
@@ -66,6 +68,10 @@ $filterdef = bless ([
 $totalspots = $hfspots = $vhfspots = 0;
 $use_db_for_search = 0;
+our %spotcache;					# the cache of data within the last $spotcachedays 0 or 2+ days
+our $spotcachedays = 0;
 our $readback = 1;
 if ($readback) {
@@ -124,6 +130,7 @@ sub init
 	mkdir "$dirprefix", 0777 if !-e "$dirprefix";
 	$fp = DXLog::new($dirprefix, "dat", 'd');
 	$statp = DXLog::new($dirprefix, "dys", 'd');
+	my $today = Julian::Day->new(time);
 	# load up any old spots 
 	if ($main::dbh) {
@@ -134,7 +141,6 @@ sub init
 			my $now = Julian::Day->alloc(1995, 0);
-			my $today = Julian::Day->new(time);
 			my $sth = $main::dbh->spot_insert_prepare;
 			while ($now->cmp($today) <= 0) {
 				my $fh = $fp->open($now);
@@ -177,6 +183,34 @@ sub init
 			dbg("added ipaddr field to spot table");
+	# initialise the cache if required
+	if ($spotcachedays) {
+		$spotcachedays = 2 if $spotcachedays < 2;
+		my $now = $today->sub($spotcachedays);
+		while ($now->cmp($today) >= 0) {
+			my $fh = $fp->open($now);
+			if ($fh) {
+				my @in;
+				while (<$fh>) {
+					chomp;
+					my @s = split /\^/;
+					if (@s < 14) {
+						my @a = (Prefix::cty_data($s[1]))[1..3];
+						my @b = (Prefix::cty_data($s[4]))[1..3];
+						push @s, $b[1] if @s < 7;
+						push @s, '' if @s < 8;
+						push @s, @a[0,1], @b[0,1] if @s < 12;
+						push @s,  $a[2], $b[2] if @s < 14;
+					}
+					push @in, \@s; 
+				}
+				$fh->close;
+				$spotcache{"$now->[0]|$now->[1]"} = \@in;
+			}
+			$now->add(1);
+		}
+	}
 sub prefix
@@ -220,6 +254,19 @@ sub add
 	my $buf = join('^', @_);
 	$fp->writeunix($_[2], $buf);
+	if ($spotcachedays) {
+		my $now = Julian::Day->new($_[2]);
+		my $day = "$now->[0]|$now->[1]";
+		my $r = exists $spotcache{$day} ? $spotcache{$day} : $spotcache{$day} = [];
+		unshift @$r, @_;
+		# remove old days
+		while (keys %spotcache > $spotcachedays+1) {
+			while (sort keys %spotcache > $spotcachedays+1) {
+				delete $spotcache{$_};
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	if ($main::dbh) {
@@ -270,7 +317,7 @@ sub add
 sub search
-	my ($expr, $dayfrom, $dayto, $from, $to, $hint, $dxchan) = @_;
+	my ($expr, $dayfrom, $dayto, $from, $to, $hint, $dofilter, $dxchan) = @_;
 	my @out;
 	my $ref;
 	my $i;
@@ -292,7 +339,7 @@ sub search
 	$to = $from + $maxspots if $to - $from > $maxspots || $to - $from <= 0;
 	if ($main::dbh && $use_db_for_search) {
-		return $main::dbh->spot_search($hint, $dayfrom, $dayto, $to-$from, $dxchan);
+		return $main::dbh->spot_search($expr, $dayfrom, $dayto, $from, $to, $hint, $dofilter, $dxchan);
 	#	$expr =~ s/\$f(\d\d?)/\$ref->[$1]/g; # swap the letter n for the correct field name
@@ -312,12 +359,14 @@ sub search
 	my $fh;
 	my $now = $fromdate;
-	my @spots;
-	my $recs;
+	my $today = Julian::Day->new($main::systime);
 	for ($i = $count = 0; $count < $to && $i < $maxdays; ++$i) { # look thru $maxdays worth of files only
 		last if $now->cmp($todate) <= 0;
+		if ($spotcachedays) {
+		}
 		my $fn = $fp->fn($now->sub($i));
 		if ($readback) {
 			dbg("Spot::search search using tac fn: $fn $i") if isdbg('search');
@@ -334,7 +383,7 @@ sub search
 				my @r = split /\^/;
-				if ($dxchan) {
+				if ($dofilter && $dxchan && $dxchan->{spotsfilter}) {
 					my ($gotone, undef) = $dxchan->{spotsfilter}->it(@r);
 					next unless $gotone;
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
index c9b49182..4c0f374c 100755
--- a/perl/
+++ b/perl/
@@ -660,26 +660,23 @@ sub setup_start
 	dbg("Start WCY");
-	# initial the Spot stuff
-	dbg("Starting DX Spot system");
-	Spot->init();
 	# initialise the protocol engine
 	dbg("Start Protocol Engines ...");
-	# put in a DXCluster node for us here so we can add users and take them away
-	$routeroot = Route::Node->new($mycall, $version*100+5300, Route::here($main::me->here)|Route::conf($main::me->conf));
-	$routeroot->do_pc9x(1);
-	$routeroot->via_pc92(1);
 	# make sure that there is a routing OUTPUT node default file
 	#unless (Filter::read_in('route', 'node_default', 0)) {
 	#	my $dxcc = $main::me->dxcc;
 	#	$Route::filterdef->cmd($main::me, 'route', 'accept', "node_default call $mycall" );
-	# read in any existing message headers and clean out old crap
+	my $script = new Script "startup";
+    $script->run($main::me) if $script;
+	# initial the Spot stuff
+	dbg("Starting DX Spot system");
+	Spot->init();	#
 	dbg("reading existing message headers ...");
@@ -708,8 +705,6 @@ sub setup_start
 	# this, such as it is, is the main loop!
 	dbg("orft we jolly well go ...");
-	my $script = new Script "startup";
-	$script->run($main::me) if $script;
 	#open(DB::OUT, "|tee /tmp/aa");