From: Dirk Koopman <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2020 12:33:33 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: add RBN stats + other fixes

add RBN stats + other fixes

Add some more comprehensive RBN stats (per minute, 10 minutes, hour).
Make the RBN spot cache global and make the inrush preventor code
work only on the first connection to skimmer provider.
Fix the $_isdbg clearing so that non-conditional logging messages
come out with a (*) in watchdbg and not the previous isdbg() sort.

diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
index 28ae8fe5..3b2e4b2c 100644
--- a/perl/
+++ b/perl/
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ sub dbg
 			$fp->writeunix($t, $str) unless !$fp || $dbglevel{"nolog$_isdbg"} ; 
+	$_isdbg = '';
 sub dbginit
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
index 6773118f..cecbc4ba 100644
--- a/perl/
+++ b/perl/
@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ our $dwelltime = 6; 			# the amount of time to wait for duplicates before issuin
 our $filterdef = $Spot::filterdef; # we use the same filter as the Spot system. Can't think why :-).
+my $spots;						# the GLOBAL spot cache
+my %runtime;					# how long each channel has been running
 sub new 
 	my $self = DXChannel::alloc(@_);
@@ -47,12 +51,20 @@ sub new
 	my $pkg = shift;
 	my $call = shift;
-#	DXProt::_add_thingy($main::routeroot, [$call, 0, 0, 1, undef, undef, $self->hostname], );
-	$self->{spot} = {};
+	$spots ||= {};
 	$self->{last} = 0;
 	$self->{noraw} = 0;
 	$self->{nospot} = 0;
+	$self->{nouser} = {};
 	$self->{norbn} = 0;
+	$self->{noraw10} = 0;
+	$self->{nospot10} = 0;
+	$self->{nouser10} = {};
+	$self->{norbn10} = 0;
+	$self->{nospothour} = 0;
+	$self->{nouserhour} = {};
+	$self->{norbnhour} = 0;
+	$self->{norawhour} = 0;
 	$self->{sort} = 'N';
 	$self->{lasttime} = $main::systime;
 	$self->{minspottime} = $minspottime;
@@ -117,8 +129,8 @@ sub start
 		$user->qra(DXBearing::lltoqra($lat, $long)) if (defined $lat && defined $long);  
-	# start inrush timer
-	$self->{inrushpreventor} = $main::systime + $startup_delay;
+	# if we have been running and stopped for a while 
+	$self->{inrushpreventor} = exists $runtime{$call} && $runtime{$call} > $startup_delay ? 0 : $main::systime + $startup_delay;
 my @queue;						# the queue of spots ready to send
@@ -128,7 +140,7 @@ sub normal
 	my $self = shift;
 	my $line = shift;
 	my @ans;
-	my $spots = $self->{spot};
+#	my $spots = $self->{spot};
 	# save this for them's that need it
 	my $rawline = $line;
@@ -162,6 +174,9 @@ sub normal
 	$qra ||= '';
     dbg qq{or:$origin qr:$qrg ca:$call mo:$mode s:$s m:$m sp:$spd u:$u sort:$sort t:$t tx:$tx qra:$qra} if isdbg('rbn');
+	++$self->{noraw};
+	++$self->{noraw10};
+	++$self->{norawhour};
 	my $b;
@@ -217,8 +232,8 @@ sub normal
 		# do we have it?
 		my $spot = $spots->{$sp};
-		$spot = $spots->{$spp}, $sp = $spp, dbg(qq{RBN: SPP using $spp for $sp}) if !$spot && exists $spots->{$spp};
-		$spot = $spots->{$spm}, $sp = $spm, dbg(qq{RBN: SPM using $spm for $sp}) if !$spot && exists $spots->{$spm};
+		$spot = $spots->{$spp}, $sp = $spp, dbg(qq{RBN: SPP using $spp for $sp}) if isdbg('rbn') && !$spot && exists $spots->{$spp};
+		$spot = $spots->{$spm}, $sp = $spm, dbg(qq{RBN: SPM using $spm for $sp}) if isdbg('rbn') && !$spot && exists $spots->{$spm};
 		# if we have one and there is only one slot and that slot's time isn't expired for respot then return
@@ -308,36 +323,54 @@ sub normal
 				dbg sprintf("RBN: QUEUE key: '$sp' SEND time not yet reached %.1f secs left", $spot->[0] + $dwelltime - $now) if isdbg 'rbnqueue'; 
 	} else {
 		dbg "RBN:DATA,$line" if isdbg('rbn');
-	# 	# periodic clearing out of the two caches
-	if (($tim % 60 == 0 && $tim > $self->{last}) || ($self->{last} && $tim >= $self->{last} + 60)) {
-		my $count = 0;
-		my $removed = 0;
-		while (my ($k,$v) = each %{$spots}) {
-			if ($tim - $v->[0] > $self->{minspottime}*2) {
-				delete $spots->{$k};
-				++$removed;
-			}
-			else {
-				++$count;
-			}
+sub per_minute
+	foreach my $dxchan (DXChannel::get_all()) {
+		next unless $dxchan->is_rbn;
+		dbg "RBN:STATS minute $dxchan->{call} raw: $dxchan->{noraw} sent: $dxchan->{norbn} delivered: $dxchan->{nospot} users: " . scalar keys %{$dxchan->{nousers}} if isdbg('rbnstats');
+		if ($dxchan->{noraw} == 0 && $dxchan->{lasttime} > 60) {
+			LogDbg('RBN', "RBN: no input from $dxchan->{call}, disconnecting");
+			$dxchan->disconnect;
-		dbg "RBN:ADMIN,$self->{call},spot cache remain: $count removed: $removed"; # if isdbg('rbn');
-		dbg "RBN:" . join(',', "STAT", $self->{noraw}, $self->{norbn}, $self->{nospot}) if $self->{showstats};
-		$self->{noraw} = $self->{norbn} = $self->{nospot} = 0;
-		$self->{last} = int($tim / 60) * 60;
+		$dxchan->{noraw} = $dxchan->{norbn} = $dxchan->{nospot} = 0; $dxchan->{nousers} = {};
+		$runtime{$dxchan->{call}} += 60;
+sub per_10_minute
+	my $count = 0;
+	my $removed = 0;
+	while (my ($k,$v) = each %{$spots}) {
+		if ($main::systime - $v->[0] > $minspottime*2) {
+			delete $spots->{$k};
+			++$removed;
+		}
+		else {
+			++$count;
+		}
+	}
+	dbg "RBN:STATS spot cache remain: $count removed: $removed"; # if isdbg('rbn');
+	foreach my $dxchan (DXChannel::get_all()) {
+		next unless $dxchan->is_rbn;
+		dbg "RBN:STATS 10-minute $dxchan->{call} raw: $dxchan->{noraw10} sent: $dxchan->{norbn10} delivered: $dxchan->{nospot10} users: " . scalar keys %{$dxchan->{nousers10}};
+		$dxchan->{noraw10} = $dxchan->{norbn10} = $dxchan->{nospot10} = 0; $dxchan->{nousers10} = {};
+	}
-# 	}
-# }
+sub per_hour
+	foreach my $dxchan (DXChannel::get_all()) {
+		next unless $dxchan->is_rbn;
+		dbg "RBN:STATS hour $dxchan->{call} raw: $dxchan->{norawhour} sent: $dxchan->{norbnhour} delivered: $dxchan->{nospothour} users: " . scalar keys %{$dxchan->{nousershour}};
+		$dxchan->{norawhour} = $dxchan->{norbnhour} = $dxchan->{nospothour} = 0; $dxchan->{nousershour} = {};
+	}
 # we should get the spot record minus the time, so just an array of record (arrays)
 sub send_dx_spot
@@ -346,6 +379,10 @@ sub send_dx_spot
 	my $quality = shift;
 	my $spot = shift;
+	++$self->{norbn};
+	++$self->{norbn10};
+	++$self->{norbnhour};
 	# $r = [$origin, $qrg, $call, $mode, $s, $utz, $respot];
 	my $mode = $spot->[0]->[3]; # as all the modes will be the same;
@@ -380,6 +417,8 @@ sub dx_spot
 	my $dxchan = shift;
 	my $quality = shift;
 	my $spot = shift;
+	my $call = $dxchan->{call};
 	my $strength = 100;		# because it could if we talk about FTx
 	my $saver;
@@ -388,7 +427,11 @@ sub dx_spot
 	my %qrg;
 	my $respot;
 	my $qra;
+	++$self->{nousers}->{$call};
+	++$self->{nousers10}->{$call};
+	++$self->{nousershour}->{$call};
 	foreach my $r (@$spot) {
 		# $r = [$origin, $qrg, $call, $mode, $s, $t, $utz, $respot, $qra];
 		# Spot::prepare($qrg, $call, $utz, $comment, $origin);
@@ -454,6 +497,10 @@ sub dx_spot
 		$buf =~ s/^DX/RB/;
 		$dxchan->local_send('N', $buf);
+		++$self->{nospot};
+		++$self->{nospot10};
+		++$self->{nospothour};
 		if ($qra) {
 			my $user = DXUser::get_current($saver->[1]) || DXUser->new($saver->[1]);
 			unless ($user->qra && is_qra($user->qra)) {
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
index 8f41a1b8..bc64c5cb 100755
--- a/perl/
+++ b/perl/
@@ -776,20 +776,19 @@ sub per_10_sec
 sub per_minute
+	RBN::per_minute();
 sub per_10_minute
+	RBN::per_10_minute();
 sub per_hour
+	RBN::per_hour();
 sub per_day