From: Dirk Koopman <>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 20:05:28 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: add sh/dx origin and ip and regexes

add sh/dx origin and ip and regexes

See help show/ddx for more information

A regex for alpha fields for filters, Regexes are indicated by surrounding
the pattern required with { and } e.g {\d+\s*db\s+\d+\s*wpm(?:\s+cq)?} But, in this case,
the 'set/badword' mechanism is probably more robust.

This is an experimental feature that may well not work...

diff --git a/cmd/Commands_en.hlp b/cmd/Commands_en.hlp
index 840ee0e2..244688d9 100644
--- a/cmd/Commands_en.hlp
+++ b/cmd/Commands_en.hlp
@@ -2160,6 +2160,12 @@ any order to the basic SHOW/DX command, they are:-
  by_state <list> - look for spots spotted by people in the US state
+ origin          - the node from which this spot originated (must be an
+                   exact callsign with SSID e.g. gb7tlh-4)
+ ip              - the IP address of the spotter (either in IPV4 or IPV6)
+                   format. These addresses can be partial. 
@@ -2177,6 +2183,8 @@ any order to the basic SHOW/DX command, they are:-
    SH/DX state in,oh
    SH/DX by_state in,oh
    SH/DX hb2008g exact
+   SH/DX origin gb7tlh-4
+   SH/DX ip       (or SH/DX ip 2a00:1450:4009:800::200e)
 === 0^SHOW/DXCC <prefix>^Interrogate the spot database by country
 This command takes the <prefix> (which can be a full or partial 
diff --git a/cmd/show/ b/cmd/show/
index b513c614..a219c387 100644
--- a/cmd/show/
+++ b/cmd/show/
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ my $itu;
 my $byitu;
 my $fromdxcc = 0;
 my $exact;
+my $origin;
+my $ip;
 my ($doqsl, $doiota, $doqra, $dofilter);
 my $usesql = $main::dbh && $Spot::use_db_for_search;
@@ -85,6 +87,17 @@ while ($f = shift @list) {		# next field
 		dbg "got info $info" if isdbg('shdx');
+	if (lc $f eq 'origin' && $list[0]) {
+		$origin = uc shift @list;
+		dbg "got origin $origin" if isdbg('shdx');
+		next;
+	}
+	if (lc $f eq 'ip' && $list[0]) {
+		$ip = shift @list;
+		dbg "got ip $ip" if isdbg('shdx');
+		next;
+	}
 	if ((lc $f eq 'spotter' || lc $f eq 'by') && $list[0]) {
 		$spotter = uc shift @list;
 		if ($list[0] && lc $list[0] eq 'dxcc') {
@@ -150,7 +163,24 @@ while ($f = shift @list) {		# next field
 #$DB::single = 1;
-# first deal with the prefix
+# check origin
+if ($origin) {
+	$expr .= ' && ' if $expr;
+	$expr .= "\$f7 eq '$origin'";
+	$hint .= ' && ' if $hint;
+	$hint .= "m{$origin}";
+# check (any) ip address
+if ($ip) {
+	$expr .= ' && ' if $expr;
+	$expr .= "\$f14 && \$f14 =~ m{^$ip}";
+	$hint .= ' && ' if $hint;
+	$ip =~ s/\./\\./g;			# IPV4
+	$hint .= "m{$ip}";
+#  deal with the prefix
 if ($pre) {
 	my @ans;
@@ -218,7 +248,7 @@ if (@freq) {
 # any info
 if ($info) {
 	$expr .= ' && ' if $expr;
-	$info =~ s{(.)}{"\Q$1"}ge;
+#	$info =~ s{(.)}{"\Q$1"}ge;
 	$expr .= "\$f3 =~ m{$info}i";
 	$hint .= ' && ' if $hint;
 	$hint .= "m{$info}i";
@@ -382,6 +412,11 @@ if ($doqra) {
 	$hint .= "m{$doqra}io";
+$from ||= '';
+$to ||= '';
+$fromday ||= '';
+$today ||= '';
 dbg "expr: $expr from: $from to: $to fromday: $fromday today: $today" if isdbg('sh/dx');
 # now do the search
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
index b71ee95a..c53f9641 100644
--- a/perl/
+++ b/perl/
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ sub parse
 	my $user;
 	# check the line for non legal characters
-	return ('ill', $dxchan->msg('e19')) if $line =~ /[^\s\w,_\-\*\/\(\)!]/;
+	return ('ill', $dxchan->msg('e19')) if $line !~ /{.*}/ && $line =~ /[^\s\w,_\-\*\/\(\)!]/;
 	# add some spaces for ease of parsing
 	$line =~ s/([\(\)])/ $1 /g;
@@ -473,18 +473,23 @@ sub parse
 							@val = @nval;
-						if ($fref->[1] eq 'a') {
+						if ($fref->[1] eq 'a' || $fref->[1] eq 't') {
 							my @t;
 							for (@val) {
-								s/\*//g;
-								push @t, "\$r->[$fref->[2]]=~/$_/i";
+								s/\*//g;        # remove any trailing *
+								if (/^\{.*\}$/) { # we have a regex 
+									s/^\{//;
+								    s/\}$//;
+									return  ('regex', $dxchan->msg('e38', $_)) unless (qr{$_})
+								}
+								push @t, "\$r->[$fref->[2]]=~m{$_}i";
 							$s .= "(" . join(' || ', @t) . ")";
 						} elsif ($fref->[1] eq 'c') {
 							my @t;
 							for (@val) {
-								push @t, "\$r->[$fref->[2]]=~/^\U$_/";
+								push @t, "\$r->[$fref->[2]]=~m{^\U$_}";
 							$s .= "(" . join(' || ', @t) . ")";
 						} elsif ($fref->[1] eq 'n') {
@@ -511,13 +516,6 @@ sub parse
 								push @t, "(\$r->[$fref->[2]]>=$1 && \$r->[$fref->[2]]<=$2)";
 							$s .= "(" . join(' || ', @t) . ")";
-						} elsif ($fref->[1] eq 't') {
-							my @t;
-							for (@val) {
-								s/\*//g;
-								push @t, "\$r->[$fref->[2]]=~/$_/i";
-							}
-							$s .= "(" . join(' || ', @t) . ")";
 						} else {
 							confess("invalid letter $fref->[1]");
@@ -597,8 +595,11 @@ use vars qw(@ISA);
 # to 'Filter::it' 
 # The fieldsort is the type of field that we are dealing with which 
-# currently can be 'a', 'n', 'r' or 'd'. 'a' is alphanumeric, 'n' is 
-# numeric, 'r' is ranges of pairs of numeric values and 'd' is default.
+# currently can be 'a', 'n', 'r' or 'd'.
+#    'a' is alphanumeric
+#    'n' is# numeric
+#    'r' is ranges of pairs of numeric values
+#    'd' is default (effectively, don't filter)
 # Filter::it basically goes thru the list of comparisons from top to
 # bottom and when one matches it will return the action and the action data as a list. 
@@ -637,9 +638,9 @@ sub it
 				return ($action, $actiondata)  if $val >= $range[$i] && $val <= $range[$i+1];
 		} elsif ($fieldsort eq 'a') {
-			return ($action, $actiondata)  if $_[$field] =~ m{$comp};
+			return ($action, $actiondata)  if $_[$field] =~ m{$comp}i;
 		} else {
-			return ($action, $actiondata);      # the default action
+			return ($action, $actiondata);      # the default action (just pass through)
diff --git a/perl/Messages b/perl/Messages
index afd40e9c..f7878eb1 100644
--- a/perl/Messages
+++ b/perl/Messages
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ package DXM;
 				e35 => 'You are not a member of $_[0], join $_[0]',
 				e36 => 'You can only do this in normal user prompt state',
 				e37 => 'Need at least a callsign',
+				e38 => 'This is not a valid regex',
 				echoon => 'Echoing enabled',
 				echooff => 'Echoing disabled',
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
index 9019bb5b..b7344702 100644
--- a/perl/
+++ b/perl/
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ $filterdef = bless ([
 			  ['call_state', 'ns', 12],
 			  ['by_state', 'ns', 13],
 			  ['channel', 'c', 14],
+			  ['ip', 'c', 15],
 			 ], 'Filter::Cmd');
 $totalspots = $hfspots = $vhfspots = 0;
@@ -222,7 +223,7 @@ sub add
 #   $f5 = spotted dxcc country
 #   $f6 = spotter dxcc country
 #   $f7 = origin
+#   $f8 = ip address
 # In addition you can specify a range of days, this means that it will start searching
 # from <n> days less than today to <m> days less than today
@@ -302,6 +303,7 @@ sub search
 	dbg("Spot eval: $eval") if isdbg('searcheval');