From: Dirk Koopman <>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2017 11:56:16 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Send wind even if it hasn't changed

Send wind even if it hasn't changed

Always send wind even if it hasn't changed in order to update the wind rose.

diff --git a/ b/
index 86a0935..e627dde 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -535,18 +535,13 @@ sub process
 		} else {
 			my $o = gen_hash_diff($ld->{last_h}, \%h);
-			if ($o) {
-				$o->{Dir} ||= $h{Dir};
-				$o->{Wind} ||= $h{Wind};
-				$o->{Dir} += 0;
-				$o->{Wind} += 0;
-				$s = genstr($ts, 'r', $o);
-				push @last10minsr, $s;
-				shift @last10minsr while @last10minsr > ($windmins * $updatepermin);
-			}
-			else {
-				dbg "loop rec not changed" if isdbg 'chan';
-			}
+			$o ||= {};
+			# we always send wind even if it hasn't changed in order to update the wind rose.
+			$o->{Dir} ||= ($h{Dir} + 0);
+			$o->{Wind} ||= ($h{Wind} + 0);
+			$s = genstr($ts, 'r', $o);
+			push @last10minsr, $s;
+			shift @last10minsr while @last10minsr > ($windmins * $updatepermin);
 			output_str($s, 0) if $s;
 		$ld->{last_h} = \%h;