From 0154b38552abaaa4e79ebd9f3e647352acacbcc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: minima <minima>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 12:15:07 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] remove all traces of Aranea. Add permanently but use
 $dsn to switch on.

 perl/         | 241 -------------------------------------------
 perl/       | 232 -----------------------------------------
 perl/        |   2 +
 perl/ |   3 +
 perl/        |   2 +
 perl/Thingy/ |  47 ---------
 perl/      |  21 ++--
 7 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 535 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 perl/
 delete mode 100644 perl/
 delete mode 100644 perl/Thingy/

diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 65672647..00000000
--- a/perl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-# This class implements the new style comms for Aranea
-# communications for
-# $Id$
-# Copyright (c) 2005 - Dirk Koopman G1TLH
-use strict;
-package AMsg;
-use Msg;
-use DXVars;
-use DXUtil;
-use DXDebug;
-use Aranea;
-use Verify;
-use DXLog;
-use Thingy;
-use Thingy::Hello;
-use vars qw($VERSION $BRANCH);
-$VERSION = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/ );
-$BRANCH = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/  || (0,0));
-$main::build += $VERSION;
-$main::branch += $BRANCH;
-use vars qw(@ISA $deftimeout);
-@ISA = qw(ExtMsg Msg);
-$deftimeout = 60;
-sub enqueue
-	my ($conn, $msg) = @_;
-	push (@{$conn->{outqueue}}, $msg . $conn->{lineend});
-sub dequeue
-	my $conn = shift;
-	my $msg;
-	if ($conn->{csort} eq 'ax25' && exists $conn->{msg}) {
-		$conn->{msg} =~ s/\cM/\cJ/g;
-	}
-	if ($conn->{state} eq 'WC' ) {
-		if (exists $conn->{cmd}) {
-			if (@{$conn->{cmd}}) {
-				dbg("connect $conn->{cnum}: $conn->{msg}") if isdbg('connect');
-				$conn->_docmd($conn->{msg});
-			} 
-		}
-		if ($conn->{state} eq 'WC' && exists $conn->{cmd} && @{$conn->{cmd}} == 0) {
-			$conn->to_connected($conn->{call}, 'O', $conn->{csort});
-		}
-	} elsif ($conn->{msg} =~ /\cJ/) {
-		my @lines =  $conn->{msg} =~ /([^\cM\cJ]*)\cM?\cJ/g;
-		if ($conn->{msg} =~ /\cJ$/) {
-			delete $conn->{msg};
-		} else {
-			$conn->{msg} =~ s/([^\cM\cJ]*)\cM?\cJ//g;
-		}
-		while (defined ($msg = shift @lines)) {
-			dbg("connect $conn->{cnum}: $msg") if $conn->{state} ne 'C' && isdbg('connect');
-			if ($conn->{state} eq 'C') {
-				&{$conn->{rproc}}($conn, $msg);
-			} elsif ($conn->{state} eq 'WA' ) {
-				my $uref = DXUser->get_current($conn->{call});
-				$msg =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
-				if ($uref && $msg eq $uref->passwd) {
-					my $sort = $conn->{csort};
-					$sort = 'local' if $conn->{peerhost} eq "";
-					$conn->{usedpasswd} = 1;
-					$conn->to_connected($conn->{call}, 'A', $sort);
-				} else {
-					$conn->send_now("Sorry");
-					$conn->disconnect;
-				}
-			} elsif ($conn->{state} eq 'WC') {
-				if (exists $conn->{cmd} && @{$conn->{cmd}}) {
-					$conn->_docmd($msg);
-					if ($conn->{state} eq 'WC' && exists $conn->{cmd} &&  @{$conn->{cmd}} == 0) {
-						$conn->to_connected($conn->{call}, 'O', $conn->{csort});
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	} 
-sub to_connected
-	my ($conn, $call, $dir, $sort) = @_;
-	$conn->{state} = 'C';
-	$conn->conns($call);
-	delete $conn->{cmd};
-	$conn->{timeout}->del if $conn->{timeout};
-	delete $conn->{timeout};
-	$conn->nolinger;
-	&{$conn->{rproc}}($conn, "$dir$call|$sort");
-sub login
-	return \&new_channel;
-sub new_client {
-	my $server_conn = shift;
-    my $sock = $server_conn->{sock}->accept();
-	if ($sock) {
-		my $conn = $server_conn->new($server_conn->{rproc});
-		$conn->{sock} = $sock;
-		$conn->nolinger;
-		Msg::blocking($sock, 0);
-		$conn->{blocking} = 0;
-		eval {$conn->{peerhost} = $sock->peerhost};
-		if ($@) {
-			dbg($@) if isdbg('connll');
-			$conn->disconnect;
-		} else {
-			eval {$conn->{peerport} = $sock->peerport};
-			$conn->{peerport} = 0 if $@;
-			my ($rproc, $eproc) = &{$server_conn->{rproc}} ($conn, $conn->{peerhost}, $conn->{peerport});
-			dbg("accept $conn->{cnum} from $conn->{peerhost} $conn->{peerport}") if isdbg('connll');
-			if ($eproc) {
-				$conn->{eproc} = $eproc;
-				Msg::set_event_handler ($sock, "error" => $eproc);
-			}
-			if ($rproc) {
-				$conn->{rproc} = $rproc;
-				my $callback = sub {$conn->_rcv};
-				Msg::set_event_handler ($sock, "read" => $callback);
-				$conn->_dotimeout(60);
-				$conn->{echo} = 0;
-			} else { 
-				&{$conn->{eproc}}() if $conn->{eproc};
-				$conn->disconnect();
-			}
-			Log('Aranea', "Incoming connection from $conn->{peerhost}");
-			$conn->{outgoing} = 0;
-			$conn->{state} = 'WH';		# wait for return authorize
-			my $thing = $conn->{lastthing} = Thingy::Hello->new(origin=>$main::mycall, group=>'ROUTE');
-			$thing->send($conn, 'Aranea');
-		}
-	} else {
-		dbg("ExtMsg: error on accept ($!)") if isdbg('err');
-	}
-sub start_connect
-	my $call = shift;
-	my $fn = shift;
-	my $conn = AMsg->new(\&new_channel); 
-	$conn->{outgoing} = 1;
-	$conn->conns($call);
-	my $f = new IO::File $fn;
-	push @{$conn->{cmd}}, <$f>;
-	$f->close;
-	$conn->{state} = 'WC';
-	$conn->_dotimeout($deftimeout);
-	$conn->_docmd;
-# happens next on receive 
-sub new_channel
-	my ($conn, $msg) = @_;
-	my $thing = Aranea::input($msg);
-	return unless defined $thing;
-	my $call = $thing->{origin};
-	unless (is_callsign($call)) {
-		main::already_conn($conn, $call, DXM::msg($main::lang, "illcall", $call));
-		return;
-	}
-	# set up the basic channel info
-	# is there one already connected to me - locally? 
-	my $user = DXUser->get_current($call);
-	my $dxchan = DXChannel::get($call);
-	if ($dxchan) {
-		if ($main::bumpexisting) {
-			my $ip = $conn->{peerhost} || 'unknown';
-			$dxchan->send_now('D', DXM::msg($main::lang, 'conbump', $call, $ip));
-			Log('DXCommand', "$call bumped off by $ip, disconnected");
-			dbg("$call bumped off by $ip, disconnected");
-			$dxchan->disconnect;
-		} else {
-			main::already_conn($conn, $call, DXM::msg($main::lang, 'conother', $call, $main::mycall));
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	# is he locked out ?
-	my $basecall = $call;
-	$basecall =~ s/-\d+$//;
-	my $baseuser = DXUser->get_current($basecall);
-	my $lock = $user->lockout if $user;
-	if ($baseuser && $baseuser->lockout || $lock) {
-		if (!$user || !defined $lock || $lock) {
-			my $host = $conn->{peerhost} || "unknown";
-			Log('DXCommand', "$call on $host is locked out, disconnected");
-			$conn->disconnect;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	if ($user) {
-		$user->{lang} = $main::lang if !$user->{lang}; # to autoupdate old systems
-	} else {
-		$user = DXUser->new($call);
-	}
-	# create the channel
-	$dxchan = Aranea->new($call, $conn, $user);
-	# check that the conn has a callsign
-	$conn->conns($call) if $conn->isa('IntMsg');
-	# set callbacks
-	$conn->set_error(sub {main::error_handler($dxchan)});
-	$conn->set_rproc(sub {my ($conn,$msg) = @_; $dxchan->rec($msg)});
-	$dxchan->rec($msg);
-sub send
-	my $conn = shift;
-	for (@_) {
-		$conn->send_later($_);
-	}
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d0a912f..00000000
--- a/perl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-# The new protocol for real at last
-# $Id$
-# Copyright (c) 2005 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
-package Aranea;
-use strict;
-use DXUtil;
-use DXChannel;
-use DXUser;
-use DXM;
-use DXLog;
-use DXDebug;
-use Filter;
-use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
-use DXHash;
-use Route;
-use Route::Node;
-use Script;
-use Verify;
-use DXDupe;
-use vars qw($VERSION $BRANCH);
-$VERSION = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/ );
-$BRANCH = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/  || (0,0));
-$main::build += $VERSION;
-$main::branch += $BRANCH;
-use vars qw(@ISA $ntpflag $dupeage);
-@ISA = qw(DXChannel);
-$ntpflag = 0;					# should be set in startup if NTP in use
-$dupeage = 12*60*60;			# duplicates stored half a day 
-my $seqno = 0;
-my $dayno = 0;
-sub init
-sub new
-	my $self = DXChannel::alloc(@_);
-	# add this node to the table, the values get filled in later
-	my $pkg = shift;
-	my $call = shift;
-	$main::routeroot->add($call, '5000', Route::here(1)) if $call ne $main::mycall;
-	$self->{'sort'} = 'W';
-	return $self;
-sub start
-	my ($self, $line, $sort) = @_;
-	my $call = $self->{call};
-	my $user = $self->{user};
-	# log it
-	my $host = $self->{conn}->{peerhost} || "unknown";
-	Log('Aranea', "$call connected from $host");
-	# remember type of connection
-	$self->{consort} = $line;
-	$self->{outbound} = $sort eq 'O';
-	my $priv = $user->priv;
-	$priv = $user->priv(1) unless $priv;
-	$self->{priv} = $priv;     # other clusters can always be 'normal' users
-	$self->{lang} = $user->lang || 'en';
-	$self->{consort} = $line;	# save the connection type
-	$self->{here} = 1;
-	$self->{width} = 80;
-	# sort out registration
-	$self->{registered} = 1;
-	# get the output filters
-	$self->{spotsfilter} = Filter::read_in('spots', $call, 0) || Filter::read_in('spots', 'node_default', 0);
-	$self->{wwvfilter} = Filter::read_in('wwv', $call, 0) || Filter::read_in('wwv', 'node_default', 0);
-	$self->{wcyfilter} = Filter::read_in('wcy', $call, 0) || Filter::read_in('wcy', 'node_default', 0);
-	$self->{annfilter} = Filter::read_in('ann', $call, 0) || Filter::read_in('ann', 'node_default', 0) ;
-	$self->{routefilter} = Filter::read_in('route', $call, 0) || Filter::read_in('route', 'node_default', 0) unless $self->{isolate} ;
-	# get the INPUT filters (these only pertain to Clusters)
-	$self->{inspotsfilter} = Filter::read_in('spots', $call, 1) || Filter::read_in('spots', 'node_default', 1);
-	$self->{inwwvfilter} = Filter::read_in('wwv', $call, 1) || Filter::read_in('wwv', 'node_default', 1);
-	$self->{inwcyfilter} = Filter::read_in('wcy', $call, 1) || Filter::read_in('wcy', 'node_default', 1);
-	$self->{inannfilter} = Filter::read_in('ann', $call, 1) || Filter::read_in('ann', 'node_default', 1);
-	$self->{inroutefilter} = Filter::read_in('route', $call, 1) || Filter::read_in('route', 'node_default', 1) unless $self->{isolate};
-	$self->conn->echo(0) if $self->conn->can('echo');
-	# ping neighbour node stuff
-	my $ping = $user->pingint;
-	$ping = $DXProt::pingint unless defined $ping;
-	$self->{pingint} = $ping;
-	$self->{nopings} = $user->nopings || $DXProt::obscount;
-	$self->{pingtime} = [ ];
-	$self->{pingave} = 999;
-	$self->{metric} ||= 100;
-	$self->{lastping} = $main::systime;
-	$self->state('init');
-	$self->{pc50_t} = $main::systime;
-	# send info to all logged in thingies
-	$self->tell_login('loginn');
-	# run a script send the output to the debug file
-	my $script = new Script(lc $call) || new Script('node_default');
-	$script->run($self) if $script;
-	$self->send("Hello?");
-# This is the normal despatcher
-sub normal
-	my ($self, $line) = @_;
-# periodic processing
-sub process
-	# calc day number
-	$dayno = (gmtime($main::systime))[3];
-# generate new header (this is a general subroutine, not a method
-# because it has to be used before a channel is fully initialised).
-sub genheader
-	my $mycall = shift;
-	my $to = shift;
-	my $from = shift;
-	my $date = ((($dayno << 1) | $ntpflag) << 18) |  ($main::systime % 86400);
-	my $r = "$mycall,$to," . sprintf('%06X%04X,0', $date, $seqno);
-	$r .= ",$from" if $from;
-	$seqno++;
-	$seqno = 0 if $seqno > 0x0ffff;
-	return $r;
-# subroutines to encode and decode values in lists 
-sub tencode
-	my $s = shift;
-	$s =~ s/([\%=|,\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg; 
-	return $s;
-sub tdecode
-	my $s = shift;
-	$s =~ s/\%([0-9A-F][0-9A-F])/chr(hex($1))/eg;
-	return $s;
-sub genmsg
-	my $thing = shift;
-	my $name = shift;
-	my $head = genheader($thing->{origin}, 
-						 ($thing->{group} || $thing->{touser} || $thing->{tonode}),
-						 ($thing->{user} || $thing->{fromuser} || $thing->{fromnode})
-						);
-	my $data = "$name,";
-	while (@_) {
-		my $k = lc shift;
-		my $v = tencode(shift);
-		$data .= "$k=$v,";
-	}
-	chop $data;
-	return "$head|$data";
-sub input
-	my $line = shift;
-	my ($head, $data) = split /\|/, $line, 2;
-	return unless $head && $data;
-	my ($origin, $group, $dts, $hop, $user) = split /,/, $head;
-	return if DXDupe::add("Ara,$origin,$dts", $dupeage);
-	$hop++;
-	my ($cmd, $rdata) = split /,/, $data, 2;
-	my $class = 'Thingy::' . ucfirst $cmd;
-	my $thing;
-	# create the appropriate Thingy
-	if (defined *$class) {
-		$thing = $class->new();
-		# reconstitute the header but wth hop increased by one
-		$head = join(',', $origin, $group, $dts, $hop);
-		$head .= ",$user" if $user;
-		$thing->{Aranea} = "$head|$data";
-		# store useful data
-		$thing->{origin} = $origin;
-		$thing->{group} = $group;
-		$thing->{time} = decode_dts($dts);
-		$thing->{user} = $user if $user;
-		$thing->{hopsaway} = $hop; 
-		while (my ($k,$v) = split /,/, $rdata) {
-			$thing->{$k} = tdecode($v);
-		}
-	}
-	return $thing;
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
index 5d45eb94..d0f7856b 100644
--- a/perl/
+++ b/perl/
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ our $active = 0;
 sub init
+	my $dsn = shift;
+	return unless $dsn;
 	return $active if $active;
 	eval { 
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
index 6370a563..ff8e2b2c 100644
--- a/perl/
+++ b/perl/
@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ $motd = "$data/motd";
 # are we debugging ?
 @debug = qw(chan state msg cron connect);
+# are we doing xml?
+$do_xml = 0;
 # the SQL database DBI dsn
 #$dsn = "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$root/data/dxspider.db";
 #$dbuser = "";
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
index 16f40eaa..c6c8ee69 100644
--- a/perl/
+++ b/perl/
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ $xs = undef;							# the XML::Simple parser instance
 sub init
+	return unless $main::do_xml;
 	eval { require XML::Simple; };
 	unless ($@) {
 		import XML::Simple;
diff --git a/perl/Thingy/ b/perl/Thingy/
deleted file mode 100644
index 111abf8b..00000000
--- a/perl/Thingy/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Hello Thingy handling
-# $Id$
-# Copyright (c) 2005 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
-use strict;
-package Thingy::Hello;
-use vars qw($VERSION $BRANCH);
-$VERSION = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/ );
-$BRANCH = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/  || (0,0));
-$main::build += $VERSION;
-$main::branch += $BRANCH;
-use DXChannel;
-use DXDebug;
-use Verify;
-use Thingy;
-use vars qw(@ISA);
-@ISA = qw(Thingy);
-sub gen_Aranea
-	my $thing = shift;
-	unless ($thing->{Aranea}) {
-		my $auth = $thing->{auth} = Verify->new($main::mycall, $main::systime);
-		$thing->{Aranea} = Aranea::genmsg($thing, 'HELLO', sw=>'DXSpider',
-										  v=>$main::version,
-										  b=>$main::build,
-										  auth=>$auth->challenge($main::me->user->passphrase)
-									  );
-	}
-	return $thing->{Aranea};
-sub from_Aranea
-	my $line = shift;
-	my $thing = Aranea::input($line);
-	return unless $thing;
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
index 003ae845..a1da82ad 100755
--- a/perl/
+++ b/perl/
@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ use DXCommandmode;
 use DXProtVars;
 use DXProtout;
 use DXProt;
-use Aranea;
 use DXMsg;
 use DXCron;
 use DXConnect;
@@ -99,10 +98,9 @@ use Mrtg;
 use USDB;
 use UDPMsg;
 use QSL;
-use Thingy;
 use RouteDB;
-use AMsg;
 use DXXml;
+use DXSql;
 use Data::Dumper;
 use IO::File;
@@ -117,7 +115,7 @@ use strict;
 use vars qw(@inqueue $systime $version $starttime $lockfn @outstanding_connects 
 			$zombies $root @listeners $lang $myalias @debug $userfn $clusteraddr 
 			$clusterport $mycall $decease $is_win $routeroot $me $reqreg $bumpexisting
-			$allowdxby $dbh $dsn $dbuser $dbpass
+			$allowdxby $dbh $dsn $dbuser $dbpass $do_xml
 @inqueue = ();					# the main input queue, an array of hashes
@@ -136,7 +134,7 @@ $VERSION = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/ );
 $BRANCH = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/  || (0,0));
 $main::build += $VERSION;
 $main::branch += $BRANCH;
-$main::build += 1;				# fudge (put back for now)
+$main::build += 4;				# fudge (put back for now)
@@ -351,14 +349,9 @@ $build += $main::version;
 $build = "$build.$branch" if $branch;
 # try to load the database
-if ($dsn && -e "$root/perl/") {
-	require DXSql;
-	import DXSql;
-	if (DXSql::init()) {
-		$dbh = DXSql->new($dsn);
-		$dbh = $dbh->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass) if $dbh;
-	}
+if (DXSql::init($dsn)) {
+	$dbh = DXSql->new($dsn);
+	$dbh = $dbh->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass) if $dbh;
 # try to load XML::Simple
@@ -466,7 +459,6 @@ Spot->init();
 # initialise the protocol engine
 dbg("Start Protocol Engines ...");
 # put in a DXCluster node for us here so we can add users and take them away
 $routeroot = Route::Node->new($mycall, $version*100+5300, Route::here($main::me->here)|Route::conf($main::me->conf));
@@ -522,7 +514,6 @@ for (;;) {
 		DXCron::process();      # do cron jobs
 		DXCommandmode::process(); # process ongoing command mode stuff
 		DXProt::process();		# process ongoing ak1a pcxx stuff
-		Aranea::process();