From bf0078cc89a908d46a3f28c7f1c152c2cb4d6fc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: minima <minima>
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 02:13:46 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add Chain routines Fix log open on every log write !!!

 Changes       |   1 +
 perl/ | 272 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 perl/ |   4 +-
 3 files changed, 275 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 perl/

diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index 4afa6830..069f8e16 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 1. Put some transparent caching into to see if this has a 
 performance impact.
+2. Fix doing a new log open for every log file write.
 1. added WWV and WCY to the Mrtg stats. Don't forget to do an indexmaker!
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb3a2be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+package Chain;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use vars qw($VERSION $docheck);
+$VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision$ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r};
+use constant NEXT => 0;
+use constant PREV => 1;
+use constant OBJ => 2;
+$docheck = 1;
+sub _check
+	confess("chain broken $_[1]") unless ref $_[0] && $_[0]->isa('Chain') &&
+		$_[0]->[PREV]->[NEXT] == $_[0] &&
+			$_[0]->[NEXT]->[PREV] == $_[0];
+	return 1;
+# set internal checking
+sub setcheck
+	$docheck = shift;
+# constructor			
+sub new
+	my $name = shift;
+	my $ref = shift;
+	my $self = [];
+	push @$self, $self, $self, $ref;
+	return bless $self, $name;
+# Insert before this point of the chain
+sub ins
+	my ($p, $ref) = @_;
+	$docheck && _check($p);
+	my $q = ref $ref && $ref->isa('Chain') ? $ref : new Chain $ref;
+	$q->[PREV] = $p->[PREV];
+	$q->[NEXT] = $p;
+	$p->[PREV]->[NEXT] = $q;
+	$p->[PREV] = $q;
+# Insert after this point of the chain
+sub add  
+	my ($p, $ref) = @_;
+	$docheck && _check($p);
+	$p->[NEXT]->ins($ref);
+# Delete this item from the chain, returns the NEXT item in the chain
+sub del
+	my $p = shift;
+	$docheck && _check($p);
+	$p->[PREV]->[NEXT] = $p->[NEXT];
+	$p->[NEXT]->[PREV] = $p->[PREV];
+	return $p->[PREV];
+# Is this chain empty?
+sub isempty
+	my $p = shift;
+	$docheck && _check($p);
+	return $p->[NEXT] == $p;
+# return next item or undef if end of chain
+sub next
+	my ($base, $p) = @_;
+	$docheck && _check($base);
+	return $base->[NEXT] == $base ? undef : $base->[NEXT] unless $p; 
+	$docheck && _check($p);
+	return $p->[NEXT] != $base ? $p->[NEXT] : undef; 
+# return previous item or undef if end of chain
+sub prev
+	my ($base, $p) = @_;
+	$docheck && _check($base);
+	return $base->[NEXT] == $base ? undef : $base->[PREV] unless $p; 
+	$docheck && _check($p);
+	return $p->[PREV] != $base ? $p->[PREV] : undef; 
+# return (and optionally replace) the object in this chain item
+sub obj
+	my ($p, $ref) = @_;
+	$p->[OBJ] = $ref if $ref;
+	return $p->[OBJ];
+# clear out the chain
+sub flush
+	my $base = shift;
+	while (!$base->isempty) {
+		$base->[NEXT]->del;
+	}
+# move this item after the 'base' item
+sub rechain
+	my ($base, $p) = @_;
+	$docheck && _check($base, "base") && _check($p, "rechained ref");
+	$p->del;
+	$base->add($p);
+# count the no of items in a chain
+sub count
+	my $base = shift;
+	my $count;
+	my $p;
+	++$count while ($p = $base->next($p));
+	return $count;
+# Below is the stub of documentation for your module. You better edit it!
+=head1 NAME
+Chain - Double linked circular chain handler
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use Chain;
+  $base = new Chain;
+  $p->ins($ref);
+  $p->add($ref);
+  $ref = $p->obj or $p->obj($ref);
+  $q = $base->next($p);
+  $q = $base->prev($p);
+  $base->isempty;			
+  $q = $p->del;
+  $base->flush;
+  $base->rechain($p);  			
+  $base->count;
+  Chain::setcheck(0);
+A module to handle those nasty jobs where a perl list simply will
+not do what is required.
+This module is a transliteration from a C routine I wrote in 1987, which
+in turn was taken directly from the doubly linked list handling in ICL
+George 3 originally written in GIN5 circa 1970. 
+The type of list this module manipulates is circularly doubly linked
+with a base.  This means that you can traverse the list backwards or
+forwards from any point.  
+The particular quality that makes this sort of list useful is that you
+can insert and delete items anywhere in the list without having to
+worry about end effects. 
+The list has a I<base> but it doesn't have any real end!  The I<base> is
+really just another (invisible) list member that you choose to
+remember the position of and is the reference point that determines
+what is an I<end>.
+There is nothing special about a I<base>. You can choose another member 
+of the list to be a I<base> whenever you like.
+The difference between this module and a normal list is that it allows
+one to create persistant arbitrary directed graphs reasonably
+efficiently that are easy to traverse, insert and delete objects. You
+will never need to use I<splice>, I<grep> or I<map> again (for this
+sort of thing).
+A particular use of B<Chain> is for connection maps that come and go
+during the course of execution of your program.
+An artificial example of this is:-
+  use Chain;
+  my $base = new Chain;
+  $base->ins({call=>'GB7BAA', users => new Chain});
+  $base->ins({call=>'GB7DJK', users => new Chain});
+  $base->ins({call=>'GB7MRS', users => new Chain});
+  # order is now GB7BAA, GB7DJK, GB7MRS
+  my $p;
+  while ($p = $base->next($p)) {
+    my $obj = $p->obj;
+    if ($obj->{call} eq 'GB7DJK') {
+      my $ubase = $obj->{users};
+      $ubase->ins( {call => 'G1TLH'} );
+      $ubase->ins( {call => 'G7BRN'} );
+    } elsif ($obj->{call} eq 'GB7MRS') {
+      my $ubase = $obj->{users};
+      $ubase->ins( {call => 'G4BAH'} );
+      $ubase->ins( {call => 'G4PIQ'} );
+    } elsif ($obj->{call} eq 'GB7BAA') {
+      my $ubase = $obj->{users};
+      $ubase->ins( {call => 'G8TIC'} );
+      $ubase->ins( {call => 'M0VHF'} );
+    }
+  }
+  # move the one on the end to the beginning (LRU on a stick :-).
+  $base->rechain($base->prev);
+  # order is now GB7MRS, GB7BAA, GB7DJK
+  # this is exactly equivalent to :
+  my $p = $base->prev;
+  $p->del;
+  $base->add($p);
+  # order is now GB7DJK, GB7MRS, GB7BAA
+  # disconnect (ie remove) GB7MRS
+  for ($p = 0; $p = $base->next($p); ) {
+    if ($p->obj->{call} eq 'GB7MRS') {
+      $p->del;                     # remove this 'branch' from the tree
+      $p->obj->{users}->flush;     # get rid of all its users
+      last;
+    }
+  }
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Dirk Koopman <>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+ICL George 3 internals reference manual (a.k.a the source)
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
index 22f8c808..f96ab44a 100644
--- a/perl/
+++ b/perl/
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ sub open
 	$fh->autoflush(1) if $mode ne 'r'; # make it autoflushing if writable
 	$self->{fh} = $fh;
-#	DXDebug::dbg("opening $self->{fn}\n") if isdbg("dxlog");
+#	print "opening $self->{fn}\n";
 	return $self->{fh};
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ sub write($$$)
 	if (!$self->{fh} || 
 		$self->{mode} ne ">>" || 
 		$jdate->year != $self->{jdate}->year || 
-		$jdate->thing != $self->{jdate}->year) {
+		$jdate->thing != $self->{jdate}->thing) {
 		$self->open($jdate, ">>") or confess "can't open $self->{fn} $!";