]> dxspider.org Git - dweather.git/summary
descriptionA Mojo based Davis Vantage VP2 datalogger
last changeTue, 10 Oct 2017 11:56:16 +0000 (12:56 +0100)
2017-10-10 Dirk KoopmanSend wind even if it hasn't changed master
2016-09-29 Dirk Koopmanfix max wind
2016-01-19 Dirk Koopmanmax windchill active only in winds > 1.2m/s
2016-01-17 Dirk Koopmanfix type in temperature continuous output
2016-01-17 Dirk Koopmanadd 2 day forecast, blue -(ve) temperature
2015-12-09 Dirk Koopmandisplay speeds in mph rather than m/s
2015-12-09 Dirk Koopmanadd maxwind, pressure to .1, improve ui
2015-08-06 Dirk Koopmantry to improve error/close/timeout restarting
2015-07-24 Dirk Koopmanfix humidity updating
2015-07-03 Dirk Koopmanadd humidity scale
2015-05-10 Dirk Koopmanchange temp colour to red
2015-05-04 Dirk Koopmanfix windrose and other tarting
2015-04-18 Dirk Koopmanfix main graph history slurping
2015-04-18 Dirk Koopmanspeed up load by embedding initial graphs values
2015-04-18 Dirk Koopmanadd three wind dials
2015-04-18 Dirk KoopmanNow with a graph!!
7 years ago master